Casio FX-82MS calculator

Model: Casio FX-82MS
  Fraction calculations
  Combination and permutation
  Statistics (STAT-data editor, Standard deviation, Regression analysis)
  9 variables
  Comes with slide-on hard case

Casio HR-8TM 12 digit calculator

Model: Casio HR-8TM
Casio HR-150TM 12 digit calculator

Model: Casio HR-150TM
  12 digits large display, plastic keys
  2-colour printing (HR-150TM)
  1.6 lines-per second (HR-8TM) and 2.4 lines-per second printing (HR-150TM)
  cost/sell/margin, tax & exchange function, tax calculation
  profit margin percent, regular percent, mark-up/mark-down (HR-150TM)

       Casio DR-120TM 12 digit calculator

Model: Casio DR-120TM
  12 digits large display, plastic keys, key rollover
  2-colour printing with 3.5 lines-per second
  cost/sell/margin, tax & exchange function, tax calculation
  profit margin percent, regular percent, mark-up/mark-down

Casio D-60L 16 digit calculator

Model: Casio D-60L
  16 digits extra large display
  two way power (solar + bettery), key rollover, plastic key
  profit margin percent, mark-up

       Casio D-120S 12 digit calculator

Model: Casio D-120S
  12 digits extra large display
  2-colour printing with 3.5 lines-per second
  two way power (solar + battery), key rollover, plastic key
  tax & exchange function, profit margin percent

Casio MS-80S 8 digit calculator

Model: Casio MS-80S
Casio MS-120MS 12 digit calculator

Model: Casio MS-120MS
  8 digits (MS-80S) and 12 digits (MS-120MS) extra large display
  two way power (solar + bettery), key rollover, metal faceplate, profit margin percent
  cost/sell/margin, tax & exchange function, tax calculation, plastic key

       Casio HL-820VA 8 digit calculator

Model: Casio HL-820VA
  8 digits large display
  plastic key and metal faceplate, regular percent

Canon P39-D IV calculator

Model: Canon P39-D IV
  Flourescent tube display
  Adding machines operating system
  Tax calculation
  Item count, non-add key
  12 digits
  3.6 lines per second

       Canon TX-1210Hi II 12 digit calculator

Model: Canon TX-1210Hi II
  I.T. touch keyboard
  Tax calculation
  12 digits

LP-204TS 12 digit printing calculator

Model: LP-204TS
  Soft touching computer-like keys
  12-digit Printing Calculator
  Large green display
  Printing Speed: 2.7 lines/sec
  Tax Calculation
  Very Easy Cost-Sell-Margin calculation
  Displays clock when not in use
  CUL and CE approved
  AC power supply
  Size: 260 x 198 x 65mm

       LP-201/LP-203/LP-204 12 digit printing calculator

Model: LP-201/LP-203/LP-204
  12-digit Printing Calculator
  Large LCD display
  Soft touching computer-like keys
  Printing speed: 2.7 lines/sec
  Tax calculation
  Displays clock when not in use (LP-201TS & LP-204TS)
  Mark up/down and gross profit margin calculation (LP-203TS)
  Very Easy Cost-Sell-Margin calculation (LP-201TS & LP-204TS)
  CUL and CE approved.
  AC/DC power supply (LP-201TS)
  AC power supply (LP203TS & LP-204TS)
  Size: 260 x 198 x 65mm

LP-103/LP-105 12 digit printing calculator

Model: LP-103/LP-105
  12-digit Printing Calculator
  Large LCD display
  2 color printer
  Printing speed: 2.3 lines/sec
  Cost-sell-Margin calculation
  Clock/calendar display
  Tax calculation
  AC/DC (4 AA batteries) power supply
  Size: 226 x 154 x 58mm (LP-103);  216 x 150 x 55mm (LP-105)

       LP-19TS/LP-19TE printing calculator

Model: LP-19TS/LP-19TE
  12-digit Printing Calculator
  Large LCD display
  Printing speed: 1.4 to 1.6 lines/sec
  Tax calculation
  Cost-sell-Margin calculation (LP-19)
  Euro-Local currency conversion (LP-19E)
  Clock/calendar display
  Decimal point selection
  Round 5/4 selection
  AC/DC (4 AA batteries) power supply
  Size: 188 x 95 x 39mm

LP-50TS 12 digit printing calculator

Model: LP-50TS
  12- digit Printing Calculator
  3-row display
  2 color printing
  Printing speed: 1.6 lines/sec
  AC/DC power supply (4AA batteries)
  Very easy cost-sell-margin calculation
  CUL and CE approved
  Size: 188 x 95 x 39mm

       LC-618 calculator

Model: LC-618 (gray)
  Dot Matrix display + numerical display
  Dual power-solar with battery backup
  10 digit mantissa + 2 digit exponent
  Power, roots, factorials
  Degrees, minutes & seconds
  Logarithms & reciprocals calculation
  Decimal degrees concersions
  1-variable statistical calculations
  Basic four functions with memory

LC-635B calculator

Model: LC-635B (Black)
  Big display (16mm)
  Dual power-Solar/Battery Backup
  Size:133 x 106 x 26mm

       LC-883 calculator

Model: LC-883 (Gray)
  12-digit Calculator
  Big LCD display (18mm)
  Tiltable display
  Grand Total
  Mark up calculation
  Back space key
  Dual Power - Solar/Battery Backup
  Size: 150 x 160 x 27mm

LC-581 8 digit calculator

Model: LC-581(Gray)
  Big display (13mm)
  Dual Power
  Size: 117 x 68 x 10mm

       LC-175 8 digit calculator

Model: LC-175 (Black)
  8 digit
  Big display (10mm)
  With wallet
  Battery power supply
  Size: 90 x 56 x 8mm